Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Pokemon: Garchomp vs Weavile

I mentioned before that a month ago, I played Pokemon with some people at PAX East that had organized into the PAX Pokemon League.  I played eight battles against them in all this year, winning six of them.  One of those other two battles never actually ended because we started and played until that Gym Leader had to go meet some of his group.  We agreed to finish that battle later, but sadly, I could not find him again.

As for the other battle, it was a suprisingly harsh loss.  What made it even more embarassing was that this Gym Leader focused on Ice Pokemon, which I consider to be the worst type when it comes to defense.  Part of my loss was due to some bad luck that froze possibly my best Pokemon for smashing Ice-types, leaving him unable to do anything.  However, part of it was that while Ice is an awful defense, it is one of the more powerful and useful offensive types in Pokemon.  This never even really occurred to me when thinking about how a team of Ice-types could work, which is probably why the battle I lost might have actually been my favorite one at PAX.  I hope I get a chance to challenge this guy again next year (and win).

In the meantime, this week's picture, made over the last couple of weeks, was kind of inspired by that story.

The backstory for that guy (according to the PAX Pokemon League's site) was that he teamed up with a Dark Ice-type Pokemon called Sneasel to fight some rampaging dragons.  Since then, he has assembled a team of Ice Pokemon to confront dragons wherever they become destructive, since Ice attacks are usually the most effective method for defeating Dragon Pokemon.  On the right, we see Weavile (the upgraded form of Sneasel) trying to bring down a Garchomp, a Ground Dragon Pokemon.

In case anybody is curious, Weavile is using a move called "Ice Shard", an Ice attack that is not very strong but usually hits its target before the target can make a move.  I always imagined that if Weavile used this attack, it would take the form of a throwing knife made of ice.  Weavile strikes me as a very ninjalike or assassinlike creature, probably due to her low defense, crazy-high speed, slim figure, and just being a Dark Pokemon.  Therefore, I figured if she was tossing ice at high-speed, a dagger or throwing knife would fit her.

I realize, by the way, that this is the fourth week in a row I have made a Pokemon drawing.  If you like Pokemon and like these, thank you.  If not, thank you for being honest, and I am sorry if this is getting old.  I really do like this series, but I know I should be trying to make my own material more often.  Next week, I will have something more fresh, probably Lucid-related.

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