Sunday, December 15, 2013

Pokemon: Mega Lucario

As promised, I am focusing a bit on Pokemon-themed pictures over the course of December, in honor of Pokemon Profile Picture Month.  This week, I drew one of the several Pokemon who gained a Mega Evolution in Pokemon X and Y: Lucario.  This is currently my profile picture, but I will probably change it tomorrow or so.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Lucids: Ken and Sakura, Action!

NOTICE: I will probably focus on Pokemon fan art this month.  On Facebook, many people celebrate December by replacing their profile picture with an image of a Pokemon, suitably called "Pokemon Profile Picture Month".  I have no idea why they do this in December of all months; I would think February (when the original games were released in Japan) or September (when they were first released elsewhere) would be more suitable choices.  If you know the reason, leave a comment below to tell me.  While you are at it, feel free to leave comments below all of my pictures; I would like some feedback.

With that out of the way, I wanted to draw something else, possibly an original piece, before I go on a Pokemon drawing binge.  Therefore, I whipped up a drawing of my two leading Lucids, Sakura Miyazaki and Ken Thunder.  Here is the main drawing with no added effects.

I have some drawings of these two characters on here already, but I usually pose them in either awkward or boring positions.  My main goal was to show them in different poses than usual.