Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Ryu's Return to Dreamland + My Take on Willy Wonka

I should be updating this blog more often than I have been.  From now on, I'll try to update this blog about once every week or two with one of my drawings or other art projects that I have created.  Maybe it will be fan art, or maybe it will be an original piece.  Maybe it will be something I made recently, or maybe it will be a drawing I have been saving.  Whatever the case, this should give me an opportunity to show what I can do or have been doing.

So let's get this started.  SHOWTIME!

Here is my take on the character of Willy Wonka from the story Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  I originally drew this back in February of 2011 with just Photoshop, and it remains one of my favorites to this day.  This holds a firm spot in the portfolio I carry in real life.  My main goal when designing Mr. Wonka was to draw a man with an old body but a young spirit, hence the bright cyan shoes with the otherwise somewhat-formal attire.

Feel free to use the comments section to discuss this piece, as well as any that have shown up before.  Do you like it or not?  What works?  What doesn't work?  Discuss.